Saturday, August 22, 2009

0 Dota Allstars 6.61 AI Map News and Updates

This the news and updates of Dota 6.61b AI+. BuffMePlz aka BMP has finished working on Dota 6.61b AI map and he will post download link soon. He told that Dota Allstars 6.61b AI Plus Map will only work in Warcraft 1.23 Patch or earlier patch and some commands will not work. Read the full update from him below.(update from: dota-utilities)

Dota 6.61b AI Map Update (from BMP):
So it looks like the 1.24 situation is much more sticky than I realised. Given that, I think after I finish this testing phase I'll go ahead and post what I've got for everyone to take a swing at.

This version is more or less a total compatibility overhaul of the script - I haven't had a chance to do many of the rewrites I wanted to, but at the very least most things should be working properly and should be somewhat adequate to allow people to play/practice new heroes/items/builds/whatever.

Because of this, some abilities will not be used properly (or at all) by the AI, but this will be addressed in future versions. The bots will, however, learn all of their abilities (or should). I haven't finished rewriting the levelling system but what's in place should be okay for now.

I've also disabled several game modes and commands until they can be made AI-compatible. Any game mode that requires voting or choosing outside of normal picking methods has been temporarily disabled until I have time to teach the script to play with these modes (-vr, -rv, -rd, -cd, -cm). I've also disabled league modes (-lm, -xl) because, really, who plays league matches with the AI map? The new -so mode has also been disabled.

The -afk and -kickafk commands are disabled, since you should never need them in an AI map, as well as -ah (maphacking against AI bots, really?). -switch is out also because there's no need with -so disabled.

I haven't had time to update the -fun content either, so for now it's been disabled. I will bring this back concurrently while updating the script.

I've modified -pa and -pe to work with the new Tavern system and location, so at least you'll still be able to pick heroes for your allies and for the AI. The item builds have been updated for compatibility ONLY, which means they'll still get the same old items as before. If people are still interested in contributing we might try reviving some threads in the OpenAI forums that address this.

There are also some -dm bugs that I can't quite figure out. I've disabled Dazzle in -dm (much like Meepo is disabled in -dm) because, inexplicably, the game crashes when Dazzle is picked during a deathmatch game. I think some other hero is causing the game to crash, but I can't figure out which (my guess is Huskar). It seems dependent on when heroes are picked and such, so after I post you guys can try to figure it out. =P

I've also renamed the map from "Dota Allstars 6.61b AI+ 1.52" to "DotA Allstars 6.61b AI v0.21". Why "v0.21"? Because it seemed like a good number at the time. =P After all the rewrites and compatibility changes, this is starting to look less and less like the AI we all know and love and more like something else, so I'll go ahead and declare this the beginning of a new stage of AI development. Yay.

Credits still go to cloud_str and RGB. Without their work and dedication this map would not be possible.

Expect an update and a download within the week.
So guys be ready to play this AI map from BMP. The download link will of AI map will be available soon.

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